The Club offers a wide variety of organized events for Ladies, Men and Couples as well as Group play opportunities almost every day of the week. The Ladies boast both a 9-Hole and 18-Hole Association with organized golf events throughout the Season. These events include traditional Member-Member, Member-Guest, and Club Championships as well as unique events such as the Holiday Scramble Fundraiser and Winter Challenge. Typically, each Tuesday morning is Ladies Day with Thursday mornings as a secondary organized play option. For the Men, there is the Golf Shop organized Men’s Day on Wednesday mornings followed by Chef’s Lunch Buffet with scoring either inside or out depending on the weather. The events feature weekly games and the season long Winter Challenge along with typical Club events such as the Member-Member, Member-Guest, and Club Championship. In addition, the Men have a season long Match Play Championship and several Groups that play on different days of the week and offer different formats ranging from casual nine-hole scrambles to more competitive, but always friendly, eighteen-hole competitions.